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All About Jeuveau

Jeuveau is crafted from botulinum toxin, just like its traditional counterpart. When injected in very small doses, it freezes the tiny muscles in your face. This smooths out the skin and improves the look of wrinkles.

The biggest difference between traditional treatments and this option is that Jeuveau is exclusively cosmetic. It is approved to help people achieve aesthetic results. The treatment is used to treat crow’s feet, the eleven lines for glabellar lines between your brow and lines in your forehead.
Oftentimes, this treatment is recommended because it can work better for facial wrinkles. At the same time, it tends to be less expensive. Jeuveau also works faster than Botox with visible results in 3 days and tends to last longer than Botox.
The three area’s Jeuveua injections can address include
● Crow’s feet
● Frown lines
● Glabellar lineses

Jeaveau is also great for those who have never had a botulinum before, it can last for up to 5 months, depending on lifestyle and other contributing factors. Really anyone who wants to relax their “elevens” is an ideal candidate for this treatment. The best way to find out whether this option is right for you is by having a consultation. The professionals at Sol Aesthetics are knowledgeable and experienced in anti-aging treatments of all types.

In clinical trials involving placebo groups, 67 to 71 percent of people noticed a massive improvement by using Jeuveau. Comparatively, only 1 percent of the placebo group noted any improvement. That indicates that the treatment is highly effective in most patients.

In comparison to other botulinum toxin treatments, this option works best if:

You want to treat glabellar lines between your eyebrows.
● You have been treated with Botox for years and it’s no longer working as well.
● You’re new to anti-aging treatments, and you want something both simple and relatively

Preparing for Treatment

It all begins with the consultation, where you can ask questions, learn more about Jeuveau so you can feel confident that it is right for you. In addition to assessing the risks and benefits, your provider can let you know how, using Jeuveau, they can meet your desired expectations. You will be asked questions about your cosmetic goals, medical history, and any needs or concerns you might have. If you decide that you want to move forward, then we can schedule you an appointment or, if time permits, get you that refreshed look the same day!

The treatment process is very straightforward. First, your provider will clean the areas to be injected. Then they will inject the formula. Yep, that simple!

Since this procedure is quick and non-invasive, you’re often finished within a half hour. The actual injection process doesn’t take more than 15 minutes. You can leave right away once you’re finished.

Part of what makes Jeuveau so popular is the quick recovery time. The majority of injection-based anti-aging treatments don’t have any prolonged recovery or downtime. Get that refreshed look without missing work.

You might have some swelling, redness, or mild bruising right after the treatment. This is just your skin reacting naturally to the needle. The side effects should subside within 48 hours. It is extremely rare for people to experience side effects bad enough to keep them from their daily activities. Please check out our “what to expect before/after procedures” for a full run down.

Awaiting Results

You may be impatiently awaiting your results but, beauty is never rushed! The initial result will be visible in three days, but that’s not all. Jeauveau will work slowly over several weeks with the optimal look at three weeks. However, the best is yet to come!

During those next few weeks, you’ll see improvement in your wrinkles on a daily basis. The muscles will gently and gradually relax. You will notice smoother skin and saying hello to a more refreshed you!

This is not a permanent solution, however it can last for up to 5 months. Many patients choose to pursue a follow-up course so that they can keep their results for longer. You can discuss this possibility with your provider as well.

Your provider will work with you to achieve the look you are going for. Sol Aesthetics may recommend combining this treatment with other forms of injectables, fillers, or microneedling and medical-grade skincare products from Skinbetter Science. We have many treatments and products that can be combined together to give your desired look..

If you’re located in South Tampa or the Greater Tampa Bay area, give us a call to schedule a consultation.The professionals here at Sol Aesthetics will work with you to achieve your aesthetic goals. Dream big